
Learn more about Aspire and the team invovled.

Aspire NI exists to work with children in Northern Ireland
in poverty to help close the educational attainment gap
that exists between rich and poor.

About Aspire


Aspire NI, is based in Portadown Northern Ireland and
currently work in schools across Craigavon, Portadown,
Lurgan, Banbridge and Belfast.

We have a diverse team from a range of different backgrounds,
ranging from youth work, education and business. Over the last
8 years at Aspire, the team has grown meaning we can provide
far more now than we ever dreamed.  This is thanks to the
kindness and generosity of our partners and givers. 

Unfortunately, over the past 8 years, poverty levels have risen exponentially. Today at the tail end of 2023, 103,400 children in Northern Ireland, are living in poverty. When we began, this figure was at 69,000. So now, more than ever, young people need our help and support. 

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Meet the Team

We believe it’s important for you to know who’s behind the work we do at Aspire. Each individual
brings unique talents and perspectives to the table. We’re proud to showcase them all.
Read below, get to know us a little better and don’t hesitate to reach out.

Katie Cromie
Vikki Adams
Mark knox
Caitlyn McCrea
Jakub Turewicz
Rachel Taylor
Hannah Moxen
Jamie Curran


Aspire NI's service, is known as the Aspire Programme. The programme consists of 3 core elements.
Aspire Sessions, Aspire Academy and Camp Aspire.

At Aspire, we believe that where a child is born, shouldn’t dictate their future. We believe that each child deserves an equal opportunity to achieve in school. We try our best to work with schools to provide this. At Aspire Sessions, we create a supportive and helpful learning environment for young people. We play games, bring snacks and sit with young people. For at least an hour a week, they have supportive adults in a room, championing and believing in them. Less than 50% of young people, who are free school meal eligible, achieve 5 or more GCSEs grades A*-C. This year 89% of our young people at Aspire did. 

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We run Aspire Academy because we believe that your parent's wage, should not limit your options in hobbies and skills. We provide young people, with monthly workshops, in a range of areas from art, cooking, sport and even skateboarding. We do this, so young people don’t feel like their options are limited. Because we are so aware that these things have a cost attached to them, - whether it be paint and pens to skateboards and helmets. It’s unfair, that the choices young people have in hobbies are dictated by finances. The situation young people find themselves in, resembles the inequality we see in the world that as people of faith, we work against.

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The highlight of our year is our summer camp. This past summer, we had our 6th Camp Aspire. We had young people from both nationalist and unionist areas. Come together for a week, hang out, canoe and airsoft together. Thanks to our kind donors, we were able to create summer memories, that will last a lifetime. But it’s more than that. We sat with these young people and discussed Northern Ireland. We looked at our troubled history but also planned a dream city for the future. These 13 and 14 year olds, were talking about how our schools should be run. How our towns should be run and what role faith communities could play in it.

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